RAMP Kargo Ekip Sorumlusu

Yayın tarihi16 Nis 2024
AçıklamaBu ilan yalnızca Pegasus çalışanları için açılmıştır. Pegasus çalışanı dışında gelen başvurular dikkate alınmayacaktır.


• En az lise mezunu
• Hava-Kargo operasyonlarında en az 3 yıl deneyimi olan
• COM, GOM, IATA DGR-LAR-PCR, Ramp prosedürleri ve yönetmelikleri konusunda iyi bilgi sahibi olan
• Tercihen 7.3.A Tehlikeli Maddelerin İşlenmesi/Kabulünden Sorumlu Personel sertifikasına sahip olan
• Apron ehliyeti olan
• İyi derecede bilgisayar hâkimiyeti
• Analitik, çözüm odaklı, insan ilişkileri ve iletişim becerileri güçlü
• Sorumluluk sahibi ve takım çalışmasına yatkın
• Kriz durumlarında hızlı aksiyon alabilecek ve zamanı etkin kullanabilen


• Toplam Pegasus Kıdeminin minimum 2 sene olması
• Son Pozisyon Kıdeminin minimum 1 performans dönemi kadar olması
• Son performans skorunun minimum beklenen ve üzeri olması

*Adaylarımızın değerlendirme sürecine dahil edilebilmeleri için mevcut yöneticilerini başvuruları ile ilgili öncesinde bilgilendirmeleri beklenmektedir.
**Başvuran adayların uygunlukları bulundukları mevcut kariyer seviyesi ile aday olunan pozisyonun kariyer seviyesi göz önünde bulundurularak değerlendirilir.


• Kargo gönderilerinin kabulünü kurallara uygun şekilde gerçekleştirmek.
• Kargo gönderilerinin hizmeti / depolanmasını kurallara uygun şekilde gerçekleştirmek.
• Hasarlı kargo işlemlerini ve raporlamalarını kurallara uygun şekilde yürütmek, yönetmek.
• Kalibrasyon işlemlerini ve kayıtlarının arşivlenmesini kurallara uygun şekilde yönetmek.
• Günlük-haftalık-aylık-yıllık personel çalışma programının, izin ve rapor gibi ilgili konuların yönetilmesini de kapsayacak şekilde planlamaya gerekli girdileri hazır tutmak.
• Personel ihtiyacının en güvenli, emniyetli, etkin ve verimli şekilde operasyonu yürütecek şekilde belirlenmesini, çalışma programının kontrolünü, ilgili personelin koordinasyonunu ve yönetilmesini, uçuş planına ve operasyonel değişikliklere göre gerekli iş paylaşımının yapılmasını, ihtiyaca göre gerekli aksiyonların alınmasını sağlamak.
• Vardiya devirlerinde, devraldığı ve devrettiği ekibin şefi ile brifing yapmak, günlük programı, personel, araç-ekipman ve genel hizmet akışı hakkında bilgi alışverişi ile gerekli hazırlıkları yapmak ve vardiya süresince verilen hizmeti denetlemek.
• Alınan uçuş programına göre gerekli teçhizat-ekipman-araç planlaması kapsamında günlük çalışma planını yapmak, yapılan günlük programı operasyon içinde uygulamak, denetlemek, diğer departmanlar ile bilgi akışını sağlamak ve gerekli değişiklikler yapmak.
• Bağlı çalışanlar için personel hizmetlerinin (yemek, servis vb.) organize edilmesini sağlamak, aksaklıkları bir üst yöneticisine raporlamak.
• Vardiya sonunda, bir sonraki vardiyada çalışacak Ramp Şefi’ne verilmek üzere gün içinde gerçekleştirilenlerin ve bir sonraki vardiya ya kalan işlerin bildirimi için rapor hazırlamak ve diğer şefleri ve üst yöneticilini de bilgilendirmek.
• Vardiyasındaki hizmet kayıtlarını tutmak, arşivlemek, sözlü ya da yazılı gelen teşekkür/şikayetleri kayıt altına almak, araştırma sonuçlarıyla, tedbirleriyle üstlerine ve ilgililerine raporlamak, takip etmek, çözümlenmesini sağlamak.
• Kargo hizmeti kapsamında, yer kazalarının, yer olaylarının, ramak kala vakalarının, uçak yapısal hasar tespitlerinin, uçuş aksaklıklarının ve hizmette uygunsuzlukların Pegasus Havayolları’nın prosedürlerine uygun yönetmek; kök neden analizine uygun tedbirleri almak ve raporlamak.


Tarife Kontrol Uzmanı

Yayın tarihi11 Mar 2024
AçıklamaBu ilan yalnızca Pegasus çalışanları için açılmıştır. Pegasus çalışanı dışında gelen başvurular dikkate alınmayacaktır.

• Üniversitelerin 2 yıllık ön lisans, tercihen 4 yıllık lisans bölümlerinden mezun,
• Uçuş Operasyonu hakkında en az 2 yıl tecrübeli,
• İyi derece İngilizce bilgisi olan,
• MS Office programlarına hâkim,
• Planlama, organizasyon ve iletişim becerisini geliştirmiş, stres ve zaman baskısı altında çalışabilecek,
• Planlanacak eğitimleri başarı ile tamamlayacak,
• Erkek adaylar için askerliğini yapmış veya en az 2 yıl süre ile tecil ettirmiş,
• Tercihen İstanbul Anadolu yakasında ikamet eden veya edebilecek olan

• Toplam Pegasus Kıdeminin minimum 1 sene olması,
• Son Pozisyon Kıdeminin minimum 1 performans dönemi kadar olması,
• Son performans skorunun minimum beklenen ve üzeri olması,

*Adaylarımızın değerlendirme sürecine dahil edilebilmeleri için mevcut yöneticilerini başvuruları ile ilgili öncesinde bilgilendirmeleri beklenmektedir.
**Başvuran adayların uygunlukları bulundukları mevcut kariyer seviyesi ile aday olunan pozisyonun kariyer seviyesi göz önünde bulundurularak değerlendirilir.

• Şirketin tüm emniyet ve kalite standartlarına bağlı olacak şekilde, operasyonun icrası ve verimliliğini sağlamak için ilgili birimlerle koordinasyon sağlayarak tarife üzerinde gerekli değişiklik ve düzenlemeleri yapıp kontrol ve takibini sağlamak.
• Belirlenmiş kurallara uygun olarak uçuş tarifesinde oluşan tüm aksaklıkları düzenlemek, optimize etmek ve ilgili tüm iç/dış üniteler ile paylaşmak.
• Teknik, Ekip Planlama, Uçuş İşletme, Yer İşletme ve Ticari birimlerle iş birliği içinde uçuş tarifesini koordine ve kontrol etmek.
• Ekibi uçuş aktiviteleriyle ilgili günlük olarak bilgilendirmek ve gerekli durumlarda ilgili yerlere raporlamak.
• Ek ve yeniden planlanmış uçuşlarla ilgili izin ve slot takibinde bulunmak.


Cargo Support Specialist

Yayın tarihi01 Mar 2024
AçıklamaThis job posting is only for Pegasus employees. Applications other than Pegasus employees will not be considered.

• University degree,
• Excellent command in written and spoken English,
• Strong knowledge of MS Office applications
• A learner mindset with “can do” attitude, adding to the willingness
• Excellent planning, organising, problem solving and communication skills
• Great interest in aviation and positivity!

• 1+ years experience in Pegasus Airlines
• 1+ year experience in last position at Pegasus Airlines
• Expected+ (96+) performance score in last position

* Applicants are expected to inform their current Manager / Team Leader, otherwise applications will not be accepted.
**Candidates' suitability will be assessed by taking into account the current position grade and the vacant position grade.

• Conducting supplier checks and reporting
• Knowledgeable about cargo operations
•Creation of monthly evaluation form and preparation of reports
•Support during the audit process
•Having experience or knowledge about cargo processes


Uçak Yükleme İşçisi

Yayın tarihi08 Şu 2024
AçıklamaBiz Pegasus Hava Yolları'yız!

Biz Pegasus’uz. Türk havacılığında yeni neslin temsilcisiyiz. “Uçmak herkesin hakkı” sloganımızla misafirlerimize seyahat ilhamı vermekle kalmıyor, iş modelimiz sayesinde uygun fiyatlarla seyahat imkanı da tanıyoruz.

Türkiye’nin dijital hava yolu olarak misafirlerimizin seyahat deneyimlerini odak alan yaklaşımımızla, teknolojik geliştirmelerle deneyimlerini kolaylaştırıyoruz. Bugün, Türkiye ile Avrupa, Kuzey Afrika, Ortadoğu, Rusya, Orta Asya arasında toplamda 50 ülkeye bağlantılı uçuşlar gerçekleştiriyoruz. 2024 yılında 100’den fazla uçağa erişen filomuzla Türkiye’nin en genç uçak filosuna sahibiz.

PC-2024 sefer sayılı Uçak Yükleme İşçisi pozisyonu ile Pegasus kariyer yolculuğuna hazır mısın?

Bu rolde seni ne bekliyor :

Misafir bagaj ve kargolarının uçağa yüklenmesi ve boşaltılması, apron araç ve ekipmanlarının kullanılması

Gereksinimler :

En az ilk öğretim okulu mezunu
Tercihen B/C sınıfı ehliyete sahip ve aktif araç kullanabilen
3’lü vardiya düzenine uyum sağlayabilecek
Erkek adaylar için askerlik hizmetini tamamlamış ya da en az 2 yıl tecilli
Ekip çalışmasına yatkın
Anadolu Yakası’nda ya da Gebze'de ikamet eden

Pegasus sana ne sunuyor :

Yurtiçi ve yurtdışı uçuşlarda birinci derece aile yakınlarını da kapsayan indirimli bilet fırsatı
Evli olmayan çalışanlara +1 kişi tanımlama hakkı
Uçuşun olmadığı lokasyonlara anlaşmalı hava yolları ile indirimli uçma fırsatı
Özel Sağlık Sigortası ( eş ve çocuk kapsam dahili )
Yemek Kartı
Sosyal Aktivite Kulüpleri (Yelken, koşu, tiyatro, basketbol, voleybol, futbol, trekking, e-spor kulübü)
Spor salonu
Kadın çalışanlar için kreş imkanı (İstanbul, İzmir, Antalya)
Performansa dayalı prim sistemi
Servis imkanları
23.547 TL Net Maaş + Prim

Pegasus Hava Yolları'nı keşfedin!

Ekonomik kalkınmayla birlikte çevreye ve insana etkiye verdiğimiz öncelikle Rotamız Sürdürülebilir Bir Gelecek diyoruz. 2050 yılına kadar faaliyetlerimizden kaynaklanan karbon emisyonunu sıfırlamayı hedefliyor ve bunun için çalışıyoruz. Faaliyetlerimizi BM Sürdürülebilir Kalkınma Hedefleri ile ilişkilendiriyoruz. Sürekli gelişime açık bakış açısı ve paydaşlarımızın geri bildirimleriyle beslenerek gelişen zengin bir yönetişim kültürüne sahibiz ve bununla gurur duyuyoruz. Bu konularda hedeflerimizi ve performansımızı düzenli olarak kamuoyu ile şeffaf bir şekilde paylaşıyoruz.

Toplumsal cinsiyet eşitliğini şirket kültürümüzün temellerine yerleştiriyoruz. Havacılık sektöründe pilot, teknik ve yönetim grupları dahil her alanda kadın temsiliyetini artırmak amacıyla IATA’nın gönüllü girişimi “25by2025”i imzalayan öncü havayollarından biriyiz. BM Kadının Güçlenmesi Prensipleri (WEPs) platformuna katılan dünyadaki ilk havayolu şirketiyiz.

Gelecek nesiller için eşit bir yarın hedefimizde, birlikte olduğumuz her farklı sese kulak veriyor ve sesimize #PegasusHarmoni diyoruz.

Customer Insight and Data Science Specialist

Yayın tarihi21 Kas 2023
AçıklamaThis job posting is only for Pegasus employees. Applications other than Pegasus employees will not be considered.

• Bachelor Degree in Computer Science / Statistics / Data Science or related fields
• 2-4 years work experience as Data Scientist
• Experience in marketing analytics
• Experience with main Python libraries for data science and machine learning
• Experience in development, deployment and monitoring of Python machine learning models in production-like environments
• Experience in development, deployment and monitoring recommender systems and uplift modeling workflows
• Passion for learning and investigating applying data-driven decision making to shape a holistic view of our business, taking into consideration for all aspects of the customer experience and customer service
• Ability to clearly communicate ideas and results to non-technical business people, both written and orally
• Ability to see the "big picture", evaluate the business impact of issues and prioritize among many requests
• Ability to turn complex concepts into actionable recommendations.
• Experience in structuring data to test hypotheses and develop key insights for marketing and external stakeholders
• Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint etc.)
• Experience in scheduling and orchestrating data pipelines with Apache Airflow is a plus
• Knowledge of other statistical software languages/applications is a plus (SAS, SQL, etc.) is a plus

• 1+ years experience in Pegasus Airlines
• 1+ year experience in last position at Pegasus Airlines
• Expected+ (96+) performance score in last position

* Applicants are expected to inform their current Manager / Team Leader, otherwise applications will not be accepted.
**Candidates' suitability will be assessed by taking into account the current position grade and the vacant position grade.

• Optimizesdeployment of Pegasus fleet on all bases to ensure smooth operations
• Manages all demands and requirements received from Techincal Planning, Crew Planning, Ground Ops., and other related departments
• Handles last minute additional, cancellation requests from Revenue Management, Charter department, and Operations team
• Identifies the problems observed in the operations period and communicates with related departments for future cases
• Gives feedback to long term planning team to re-adjust the planning in the upcoming months
• Builds relationship with the Airports and communicates the last minute changes


Schedule Planning Specialist

Yayın tarihi08 Eyl 2023
AçıklamaThis job posting is only for Pegasus employees. Applications other than Pegasus employees will not be considered.

• University degree, preferably in Industrial Engineering or Business Administration Departments of reputable Universities,
• Excellent command in written and spoken English,
• Strong knowledge of MS Office applications
• A learner mindset with “can do” attitude, adding to the willingness
• Excellent planning, organising, problem solving and communication skills
• Located in Antalya
• Great interest in aviation and positivity!

• 1+ years experience in Pegasus Airlines
• 1+ year experience in last position at Pegasus Airlines
• Expected+ (96+) performance score in last position

* Applicants are expected to inform their current Manager / Team Leader, otherwise applications will not be accepted.
**Candidates' suitability will be assessed by taking into account the current position grade and the vacant position grade.

• Optimizesdeployment of Pegasus fleet on all bases to ensure smooth operations
• Manages all demands and requirements received from Techincal Planning, Crew Planning, Ground Ops., and other related departments
• Handles last minute additional, cancellation requests from Revenue Management, Charter department, and Operations team
• Identifies the problems observed in the operations period and communicates with related departments for future cases
• Gives feedback to long term planning team to re-adjust the planning in the upcoming months
• Builds relationship with the Airports and communicates the last minute changes


A320 FO - Extended CC

Yayın tarihi29 Ağ 2023
AçıklamaWe are Pegasus Airlines!

Pegasus Airlines, Turkey’s leading low-cost airline, has transformed the aviation sector in the country with an experienced team of over 6,000 and by offering its guests affordable and quality services together with a flawless security record.

Believing it’s everyone’s right to fly, Pegasus offers its guests low fares, on-time departures and new more comfortable aircraft as part of its “low cost airlines” model. Pegasus Airlines flies to 111 destinations on its ever-growing network in 42 countries including 35 domestic and 76 international destinations. Pegasus has Turkey’s youngest fleet with an average age of 4.4 years old and average on-time departure performance of 87.74% in 2019 Q2. Pegasus Airlines is the first airline to have been admitted to the state-subsidised brand-building program Turquality.

Flight number PC 2023. Be ready for your Pegasus career journey with the Captain Pilot in A320 Fleet.

Minimum Requirements are;

Citizen of Türkiye or Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic, or Blue Card holder,
Born on and after 1.01.1983,
Bachelor's Degree in Formal Education or above,
Valid SHGM ATPL Licence, min. Level 4 English proficiency endorsed,
Valid SHGM Class I Medical Certificate,
Current on A320 Family with max 500hrs on type,
Clean Criminal Free record,
Clean flight record (No Incident/Accident) from previous employer,

Assessment Process consists of;

• Document Control,
• English Proficiency Test,
• Psychometric Evaluation Test,
• Behavioral Tendency Inventory,
• Board Interview,
• SIM Evaluation,
• Psychological Evaluation Inventory

Flight Safety Evaluation and Reference Check is performed for the candidates whose processes are successfully completed and they are subjected to the Pegasus Airlines Recruitment Board evaluation. Candidates who are found suitable by the Board are given an offer to be placed in the training classes and are informed via e-mail.

Candidates who are negative at any step during the process are replied via e-mail.

What Pegasus Airlines can offer you

EU competiable salaries,
Private health insurance,
LoL insurance,
Life insurance,
Shuttle for duty days,
Food voucher,
Discounted domestic and international flight tickets that includes parents of the pilot as well as spouse and kids, if they are single, they can include a friend,
Discounted flight tickets with contracted airlines to destinations out of Pegasus scope,
Fun@Fly Social Activity Clubs (Social clubs such as theatre club, sailing, trekking, running, basketball , volleyball and football teams, e-sports team),
Fitness center,
Yearly bonus right,

Discover Pegasus Airlines!

Our Framework for a Sustainable Future prioritises our impact on the environment and society, as well as economic development. We call our route Sustainable Future. By 2050, we aim to eliminate carbon emissions from our operations, and we are working towards this goal. We are proud of a rich governance culture that is developed through a perspective open to continuous improvement and the feedback of our stakeholders. We regularly and transparently share our targets and performance on these issues with the public.

Gender equality is at the foundation of our corporate culture. We are one of the pioneering airlines that have signed IATA's voluntary initiative "25by2025" to increase the representation of women in all areas of the aviation industry, including pilot, technician and management ranks. We were the first airline in the world to join the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) platform.

Listen to every different voice in our quest for a more equal tomorrow for future generations and we call our voice #PegasusHarmony ????


Yayın tarihi14 Ağ 2023
AçıklamaWe are Pegasus Airlines!

Pegasus Airlines, Turkey’s leading low-cost airline, has transformed the aviation sector in the country with an experienced team of over 6,000 and by offering its guests affordable and quality services together with a flawless security record.

Believing it’s everyone’s right to fly, Pegasus offers its guests low fares, on-time departures and new more comfortable aircraft as part of its “low cost airlines” model. Pegasus Airlines flies to 111 destinations on its ever-growing network in 42 countries including 35 domestic and 76 international destinations. Pegasus has Turkey’s youngest fleet with an average age of 4.4 years old and average on-time departure performance of 87.74% in 2019 Q2. Pegasus Airlines is the first airline to have been admitted to the state-subsidised brand-building program Turquality.

Flight number PC 2023. Be ready for your Pegasus career journey with the Student Pilot to be Type Rated.

Minimum Requirements are;

- Citizen of Türkiye or Northern Cyprus Turkish Republic, or Blue Card holder,
- Born on or after 01.01.1984,
- Bachelor's Degree in Formal Education or above,
- Minimum ICAO Level 4 endorsed Turkish DGCA approved, CPL/IR (A) (ATPL frozen theorical knowledge credited) or ATPL License,
- Turkish DGCA approved Class I Health Certificate,
- No Criminal Record and Criminal Archive Record,
- For male candidates who have completed their military service, exempted or postponed for 2 years.

Assessment Process consists of;

• Document Control,
• English Proficiency Test,
• Psychometric Evluation,
• Behavioral Tendency Inventory,
• Board Interview,
• SIM Evaluation,
• Psychological Evaluation Inventory,

Reference Check is performed for the candidates whose processes are successfully completed and they are subjected to the Pegasus Airlines Recruitment Board evaluation. Candidates who are found suitable by the Board are given an offer to be placed in the training classes and are informed via e-mail.
Candidates who are negative at any step during the process are replied via e-mail.

What Pegasus Airlines can offer you

EU competiable salaries,
Private health insurance,
LoL insurance,
Life insurance,
Shuttle for duty days,
Food voucher,
Discounted domestic and international flight tickets that includes family,
Discounted flight tickets with contracted airlines to destinations out of Pegasus scope,
Fun@Fly Social Activity Clubs,
Fitness center,
Yearly bonus right,

Discover Pegasus Airlines!

Our Framework for a Sustainable Future prioritises our impact on the environment and society, as well as economic development. We call our route Sustainable Future. By 2050, we aim to eliminate carbon emissions from our operations, and we are working towards this goal. We are proud of a rich governance culture that is developed through a perspective open to continuous improvement and the feedback of our stakeholders. We regularly and transparently share our targets and performance on these issues with the public.

Gender equality is at the foundation of our corporate culture. We are one of the pioneering airlines that have signed IATA's voluntary initiative "25by2025" to increase the representation of women in all areas of the aviation industry, including pilot, technician and management ranks. We were the first airline in the world to join the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) platform.

Listen to every different voice in our quest for a more equal tomorrow for future generations and we call our voice #PegasusHarmony ????

Experienced CPT & FO to be type rated on A320

Yayın tarihi16 Şu 2023
AçıklamaWe are Pegasus Airlines!

Pegasus Airlines, Turkey’s leading low-cost airline, has transformed the aviation sector in the country with an experienced team of over 6,000 and by offering its guests affordable and quality services together with a flawless security record.

Believing it’s everyone’s right to fly, Pegasus offers its guests low fares, on-time departures and new more comfortable aircraft as part of its “low cost airlines” model. Pegasus Airlines flies to 111 destinations on its ever-growing network in 42 countries including 35 domestic and 76 international destinations. Pegasus has Turkey’s youngest fleet with an average age of 4.4 years old and average on-time departure performance of 87.74% in 2019 Q2. Pegasus Airlines is the first airline to have been admitted to the state-subsidised brand-building program Turquality.

Flight number PC 2023. Be ready for your Pegasus career journey with the Captain Pilot in A320 Fleet.

Minimum Requirements are;

Born on and after below dates:
IF Captain: 1.01.1969,
IF First Officer: 1.01.1974,

Valid SHGM/EASA ATPL Licence with min. Level 4 English proficiency,
Valid SHGM/EASA Class I Medical Certificate,
Minimum flight experience in Airlines as stated below:
IF Captain:
- 500hrs as Captain (PIC) and 4500+hrs in total over 27tons+ aircrafts for SHGM Licence holders,
- 1000hrs as Captain (PIC) and 5000+hrs in total over 27tons+ aircrafts for EASA Licence holders,
IF First Officer:
- 500hrs on over 27tons+ aircrafts for SHGM Licence holders,
- 1000hrs on over 27tons+ aircrafts for EASA Licence holders,

Clean Criminal Free record,
Clean flight record (No Incident/Accident) from previous employer,
Second level graduation (e.g. baccalaureate, A-Level Exam, Matura, Abitur)

Assessment Process consists of;

• Document Control,
• Board Interview,
• SIM Evaluation,
• English Proficiency Test,
• Behavioral Tendency Inventory,
• Psychological Evaluation Inventory.

Flight Safety Evaluation and Reference Check is performed for the candidates whose processes are successfully completed and they are subjected to the Pegasus Airlines Recruitment Board evaluation. Candidates who are found suitable by the Board are given an offer to be placed in the training classes and are informed via e-mail.

Candidates who are negative at any step during the process are replied via e-mail.

What Pegasus Airlines can offer you

EU competiable salaries,
Private health insurance,
LoL insurance,
Life insurance,
Shuttle for duty days,
Food voucher,
Discounted domestic and international flight tickets that includes parents of the pilot as well as spouse and kids, if they are single, they can include a friend,
Discounted flight tickets with contracted airlines to destinations out of Pegasus scope,
Fun@Fly Social Activity Clubs (Social clubs such as theatre club, sailing, trekking, running, basketball , volleyball and football teams, e-sports team),
Fitness center,
Yearly bonus right,

Discover Pegasus Airlines!

Our Framework for a Sustainable Future prioritises our impact on the environment and society, as well as economic development. We call our route Sustainable Future. By 2050, we aim to eliminate carbon emissions from our operations, and we are working towards this goal. We are proud of a rich governance culture that is developed through a perspective open to continuous improvement and the feedback of our stakeholders. We regularly and transparently share our targets and performance on these issues with the public.

Gender equality is at the foundation of our corporate culture. We are one of the pioneering airlines that have signed IATA's voluntary initiative "25by2025" to increase the representation of women in all areas of the aviation industry, including pilot, technician and management ranks. We were the first airline in the world to join the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) platform.

Listen to every different voice in our quest for a more equal tomorrow for future generations and we call our voice #PegasusHarmony ????

A320 FO - 2023

Yayın tarihi01 Oca 2023
AçıklamaWe are Pegasus Airlines!

Pegasus Airlines, Turkey’s leading low-cost airline, has transformed the aviation sector in the country with an experienced team of over 6,000 and by offering its guests affordable and quality services together with a flawless security record.

Believing it’s everyone’s right to fly, Pegasus offers its guests low fares, on-time departures and new more comfortable aircraft as part of its “low cost airlines” model. Pegasus Airlines flies to 111 destinations on its ever-growing network in 42 countries including 35 domestic and 76 international destinations. Pegasus has Turkey’s youngest fleet with an average age of 4.4 years old and average on-time departure performance of 87.74% in 2019 Q2. Pegasus Airlines is the first airline to have been admitted to the state-subsidised brand-building program Turquality.

Flight number PC 2023. Be ready for your Pegasus career journey with the Captain Pilot in A320 Fleet.

Minimum Requirements are;

Born on and after 1.01.1974,
Valid SHGM/EASA/FAA/ICAO ATPL Licence, min. Level 4 English proficiency endorsed,
Valid SHGM/EASA/FAA/ICAO Class I Medical Certificate,
Current on A320 Family with min hrs stated below depending on licence types:
- 500hrs on A320 family for SHGM Licence holders,
- 1000hrs on A320 family for EASA & FAA Licence holders,
- 1500hrs on A320 family for ICAO Licence holders.
Clean Criminal Free record,
Clean flight record (No Incident/Accident) from previous employer,
Second level graduation (e.g. baccalaureate, A-Level Exam, Matura, Abitur)

Assessment Process consists of;

• Document Control,
• Board Interview,
• SIM Evaluation,
• English Proficiency Test,
• Behavioral Tendency Inventory,
• Psychological Evaluation Inventory.

Flight Safety Evaluation and Reference Check is performed for the candidates whose processes are successfully completed and they are subjected to the Pegasus Airlines Recruitment Board evaluation. Candidates who are found suitable by the Board are given an offer to be placed in the training classes and are informed via e-mail.

Candidates who are negative at any step during the process are replied via e-mail.

What Pegasus Airlines can offer you

EU competiable salaries,
Private health insurance,
LoL insurance,
Life insurance,
Shuttle for duty days,
Food voucher,
Discounted domestic and international flight tickets that includes parents of the pilot as well as spouse and kids, if they are single, they can include a friend,
Discounted flight tickets with contracted airlines to destinations out of Pegasus scope,
Fun@Fly Social Activity Clubs (Social clubs such as theatre club, sailing, trekking, running, basketball , volleyball and football teams, e-sports team),
Fitness center,
Yearly bonus right,

Discover Pegasus Airlines!

Our Framework for a Sustainable Future prioritises our impact on the environment and society, as well as economic development. We call our route Sustainable Future. By 2050, we aim to eliminate carbon emissions from our operations, and we are working towards this goal. We are proud of a rich governance culture that is developed through a perspective open to continuous improvement and the feedback of our stakeholders. We regularly and transparently share our targets and performance on these issues with the public.

Gender equality is at the foundation of our corporate culture. We are one of the pioneering airlines that have signed IATA's voluntary initiative "25by2025" to increase the representation of women in all areas of the aviation industry, including pilot, technician and management ranks. We were the first airline in the world to join the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) platform.

Listen to every different voice in our quest for a more equal tomorrow for future generations and we call our voice #PegasusHarmony ????

A320 CAPTAIN - 2023

Yayın tarihi01 Oca 2023
AçıklamaWe are Pegasus Airlines!

Pegasus Airlines, Turkey’s leading low-cost airline, has transformed the aviation sector in the country with an experienced team of over 6,000 and by offering its guests affordable and quality services together with a flawless security record.

Believing it’s everyone’s right to fly, Pegasus offers its guests low fares, on-time departures and new more comfortable aircraft as part of its “low cost airlines” model. Pegasus Airlines flies to 111 destinations on its ever-growing network in 42 countries including 35 domestic and 76 international destinations. Pegasus has Turkey’s youngest fleet with an average age of 4.4 years old and average on-time departure performance of 87.74% in 2019 Q2. Pegasus Airlines is the first airline to have been admitted to the state-subsidised brand-building program Turquality.

Flight number PC 2023. Be ready for your Pegasus career journey with the Captain Pilot in A320 Fleet.

Minimum Requirements are;

Born on and after 1.01.1964,
Valid SHGM/EASA/FAA/ICAO ATPL Licence, min. Level 4 English proficiency endorsed,
Valid SHGM/EASA/FAA/ICAO Class I Medical Certificate,
Current on A320 Family with min hrs stated below depending on licence types:
- 500hrs as Captain (PIC) on A320 and 4500+hrs in total over 27tons+ aircrafts for SHGM Licence holders,
- 1000hrs as Captain (PIC) on A320 and 5000+hrs in total over 27tons+ aircrafts for EASA & FAA Licence holders,
- 1500hrs as Captain (PIC) on A320 and 5500+hrs in total over 27tons+ aircrafts for ICAO Licence holders.
Clean Criminal Free record,
Clean flight record (No Incident/Accident) from previous employer,
Second level graduation (e.g. baccalaureate, A-Level Exam, Matura, Abitur)

Assessment Process consists of;

• Document Control,
• Board Interview,
• SIM Evaluation,
• English Proficiency Test,
• Behavioral Tendency Inventory,
• Psychological Evaluation Inventory.

Flight Safety Evaluation and Reference Check is performed for the candidates whose processes are successfully completed and they are subjected to the Pegasus Airlines Recruitment Board evaluation. Candidates who are found suitable by the Board are given an offer to be placed in the training classes and are informed via e-mail.

Candidates who are negative at any step during the process are replied via e-mail.

What Pegasus Airlines can offer you

EU competiable salaries,
Private health insurance,
LoL insurance,
Life insurance,
Shuttle for duty days,
Food voucher,
Discounted domestic and international flight tickets that includes parents of the pilot as well as spouse and kids, if they are single, they can include a friend,
Discounted flight tickets with contracted airlines to destinations out of Pegasus scope,
Fun@Fly Social Activity Clubs (Social clubs such as theatre club, sailing, trekking, running, basketball , volleyball and football teams, e-sports team),
Fitness center,
Yearly bonus right,

Discover Pegasus Airlines!

Our Framework for a Sustainable Future prioritises our impact on the environment and society, as well as economic development. We call our route Sustainable Future. By 2050, we aim to eliminate carbon emissions from our operations, and we are working towards this goal. We are proud of a rich governance culture that is developed through a perspective open to continuous improvement and the feedback of our stakeholders. We regularly and transparently share our targets and performance on these issues with the public.

Gender equality is at the foundation of our corporate culture. We are one of the pioneering airlines that have signed IATA's voluntary initiative "25by2025" to increase the representation of women in all areas of the aviation industry, including pilot, technician and management ranks. We were the first airline in the world to join the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) platform.

Listen to every different voice in our quest for a more equal tomorrow for future generations and we call our voice #PegasusHarmony ????.